Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1830 Odalisque – shoppingdirect24.com
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Жан Огист Доминик Ингрес 1830 Одалиска

Продажна цена €59,75 редовна цена €55,00

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Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780-1867) was a French Neoclassical painter known for his meticulous attention to detail and his skillful portrayal of the human figure. Born in Montauban, France, Ingres studied under the renowned painter Jacques-Louis David and later became one of the leading figures of the Neoclassical movement.

One of Ingres' notable works is "Odalisque," painted in 1830. This painting depicts a reclining female figure, known as an odalisque, in a sumptuous interior setting. Ingres' precise draftsmanship, smooth brushwork, and careful attention to the female form create a sense of sensuality and elegance in the composition.

The original size of "Odalisque" by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres is 88.9 cm × 162.56 cm (35 in × 64 in) and it is housed in the Louvre Museum, Paris.

This painting is famous for its exquisite portrayal of the female figure and its harmonious blend of Neoclassical aesthetics with Orientalist themes. Ingres' meticulous technique and his ability to capture the grace and allure of the human form have contributed to the enduring fame and admiration of this artwork.

While auction results for "Odalisque" may vary, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres' works have fetched significant prices in the art market. His painting "The Turkish Bath" sold for over $11 million at a Christie's auction in 2013, highlighting the value and desirability of his artworks.

As a high-quality print, "Odalisque" by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres can add a touch of refined beauty and sophistication to your living space or art collection. Its captivating depiction of the female figure and Ingres' masterful technique make it suitable for various settings, such as a bedroom, study, or art gallery-inspired space, infusing your environment with timeless elegance and artistic allure.

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